After the Cleaning School Campaign arranged by the Proyash-II at Imandipur Govt. Primary School students is now aware to create a cleaner, greener and safer school environment. From this cleaning school campaign the school cabinet began their work according to plan starting with waste disposal. The members of the school cabinet went to different classes and described the advantages of waste disposal and emphasized the duty of keeping classroom clean. Their teachers guided them in this process. In addition they decided to clean the school classroom and school premises in every Thursday. These youngsters spoke with Proyash-II project representatives and said: “Cleaning school is now a fun to them”. They also said: “Our first priority is to find out about the cleaning practices of our school” Selina Akhter, a member of SMC, says: “Children had getting ill and skin problems from walking around in the dirty school campus. I’m so glad this initiative was taken and we helped to advocate for it”.

Will Mirpur The Next Hotbed For Fire
Tensions are rising among the homestead of Mirpur slums following the fire events of Bhashantek Slum on 28 th February this year