Nur Nahar Begum, aged 56, lives at Alir Deil, Sabrang Union. Her husband, Ashraf Miya (58) is a fisherman. She had three children, but everyone got married and left them. Her monthly income is around 7 thousand BDT. With the support from the project, she bought livestock (chickens), repaired her damaged shelter, bought medicines, and invested in her small business. She expressed utter gratitude towards SEEP & WHH for their kind support. She invested in her small business. NUR NAHAR BEGUM “I was stressed about how I could manage things so well with my husband’s little earnings. Your support helped me a lot. I will always pray for you.”

Will Mirpur The Next Hotbed For Fire
Tensions are rising among the homestead of Mirpur slums following the fire events of Bhashantek Slum on 28 th February this year